Business Energy
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Business energy

Save £1,023* on your business energy in minutes

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Why should I switch business energy suppliers?

Businesses often use a lot more energy than the average household. In fact, the average small business (10-49 employees) spends £12,327 on electricity and £7,011 annually on gas. With that much money on the line, getting a good commercial energy rate is vital.

But it’s not just about overheads. If the power goes off, it impacts your bottom line and your credibility. You need excellent customer service to get problems resolved in record time.

When you compare business energy suppliers, you can find the deals and the customer service you feel will be best for your business, potentially saving you money and headaches.


First, we'll find your details...

Just enter your business address and we'll use industry data to accurately find and understand your energy usage.


Then, discuss with an expert

One of our UK based experts will search our whole panel on your behalf, and present the results back to you in a 5-10 minute call.

Full control, zero hassle

We do all the work but keep you in full control. After a no-nonsense conversation to help you choose the right contract, we’ll take it from there. And you’ll be updated every step of the way.

About Compare the Market

Compare the Market was launched in 2006 and has grown rapidly to become one of the UK’s most loved price comparison websites. We’re best known for offering an independent and impartial comparison on car and home insurance products.

We provide a comparison of the price, cover and features of van, bike, travel, pet and life insurance as well
 as energy tariffs, broadband and mobile phone packages and financial products such as mortgages, credit cards, loans , savings and current accounts.

We don’t advise you or provide a recommendation but we provide clear information so that you can go on to purchase a product that meets your needs.

We work with top UK energy suppliers

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